Monday 20 October 2014

Simple Technology Prevention of Diarrhea Outbreaks in The Community

Diarrhea is a major cause of infant and child mortality in Indonesia. based on the results Riskesdas 2007, which implemented Balitbangkes, diarrhea is a major cause of infant mortality (31.4%) and young children (25.2%). Diarrhea can cause severe dehydration, which if untreated can lead to death immediately.

 In the Public health center Teleng, Sawahlunto  in west Sumatera indonesia. Diarrhea is a disease that most widely consulted Consultation Clinic Environment Health compared with diseases associated with other environments (malaria, dengue fever, intestinal worms, skin diseases, tuberculosis, etc.)

There is no sanitary conditions of society, there are still many people who do not have latrines with septic tanks . The average public drinking water source comes from the Drinking Water Company (PAM), Air Mountains, Dug wells.

PAM although the source of raw water comes from the river but it is relatively safe because it has been given a disinfectant (chlorine), but what about the non-governmental sources of water (mountain water, dug wells) that the average level of contamination is very high.

Disinfectants  intended to kill pathogenic bacteria. chemical used is usually chlorine. Because the smell of chlorine is rather hard so the people rather reluctant to add to the water. it is necessary for Taborites. What is Taborites?

Taborites is appropriate technologies developed by sanitarian health centers, these tools can be created with the following steps :: Tools and Materials:
1. PVC size of 1.5 inches and 0.5 inches
 2. Size Dop 1.5 and 0.5 inches by 2 pieces
3. saws
4. chlorine
5. gravel / stone
6. The sand is clean and smooth
 How it Works:
1. Cut a 1.5 inch PVC 50 cm long and 0.5-inch piece of PVC size 20 cm long.
 2. PVC holed useless as a water catchment
 3. The size of 1/2 inch PVC Fill with a mixture of sand plus 2 tablespoons of chlorine, then cover with 2 pieces hubcap
4. Fill PVC size of 1.5 inches with gravel, then put 1/2 inch PVC capsule that is filled with sand added chlorine to the position of the middle tube
 5. then cover with DOP 1.5 inches.
6. Give the rope to make it easy to lift
 7. then put it in the bottom of wells
8. chlorine dose adjusted to the volume of water, then lift and fill the tube regularly at least once a month.

 with the use of this Taborites then, the smell of chlorine can be reduced, and bacterial pathogens in the water that can cause diarrhea can be eliminated. I hope the author hopes that these tools can be used as an option to prevent an outbreak of diarrhea in public peoples.

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