Thursday 18 July 2013

Nominasi AAAH

Year 6
Pre-Conference Edition
This year at the AAAH Annual Conference, two individuals from AAAH Countries, one
medical doctor and one person who is from another cadre, will be recognized for their
outstanding performance in serving their communities. The full list of nominees is set-out below but you can learn more about them and their work, as well as the identity of
this year’s winners, at the AAAH Annual Conference in Bangkok.
Here is the full list of nominees:
Medical Doctors:
Dr. Xu Shengzhong — China
Dr. Made Sopan Pradnya Nirartha — Indonesia
Dr Gerelmaa Damdinjav — Mongolia
Dr. Myint Thein Tun — Myanmar
P.K.C.L.Jayasinghe — Sri Lanka
Dr. Rochalee Pattayabut — Thailand
Nominees from other cadres:
Mr. Zhang Wei — China
Mr Arpil Jumawal — Indonesia
Mr Maung Maung Htet — Myanmar
Miss. Khima Kumari Poudel — Nepal
Mr M. A. Nimal Prematilaka — Sri Lanka
Mr. Denchai Doktong — Thailand

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