Monday 17 November 2014

Diarrheal and Dehydration

Many people die from diarrheal diseases, especially children, most often, died of dehydration. Everyone at any age can suffer from dehydration, but the impact of the most severe and happen very quickly to small children and it is very dangerous for them.
Each child suffering from watery diarrhea in danger of dehydration. Give them plenty of fluids and take young children with signs of dehydration to the nearest health center. 
Signs of Dehydration 
  • sunken eyes and watery
  • dry mouth and thirst
  • drastic weight loss 
  • little or no urine at all dark yellow urine 
  • fontanel baby slack and droop
  • the skin has lost its elasticity by pinching the skin between two fingers, if not immediately return to normal, the child is dehydrated 
When a child has watery diarrhea or diarrhea and vomiting, do not wait until there are signs of dehydration, immediately act ... 
  • give to drink plenty of fluids, such as watery oatmeal, soup, water or rehydration
  • beverages continue to provide food. immediately when the patient (children / adults) can eat, continue to provide favorite foods. for babies, keep giving breast milk as often as possible before other foods or drinks. 
  • rehydration drink to help prevent or treat dehydration. This drink does not cure diarrhea, but it can help the patient until the diarrhea stops 
HOW TO MAKE A rehydration drink Here are given two ways to make a drink rehidrasi.If there, add 1/2 cup of fruit juice, coconut water, or mashed ripe bananas that have been added to the drink. It contains potassium, a mineral that can help people to be able to digest food and drink better. 
Give the drink  to patients every 5 minutes, day and night, until he begins to urinate normally. For a person needs 3 liters or more a day. a child needs at least 1 liter a day, or 1 glass for each watery bowel movements. still give this drink a few sips often as possible. although patients with vomiting, not all drinks are out with vomiting. After one day, immediately dispose of the drinks that have been made, if it is still needed for the new mix. 
Made with powdered cereal and salt The best is the rice flour. But you can use finely smoothed corn, wheat flour, wheat kind, or cooked and mashed potatoes. enter pressed 1/2 teaspoon of salt to one liter of clean water that is ripe. and 8 heaping teaspoons of powdered cereals simmer for 5 until 7 minutes to form an aqueous slurry. quick chill and began to give to patients. CAUTION: taste this drink every time before being given to the patient to know the drinks are not stale. In this beverage is recom- weather quickly stale within a few hours. 
HOW TWO WAYS : Made with sugar and salt (ORS) sugars that can be used is a raw sugar, brown sugar, white sugar or sugar syrup. enter pressed SALT 1/2 teaspoon to 1 liter of water and mature and enter the 8 teaspoons of pressed sugar, stir well. CAUTION: Before adding the sugar, taste the drink and be sure less salty than tears. IMPORTANT: If dehydration gets worse or other danger signs, seek medical help immediately ..

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